Join Jasper and his friends on all of their many wholesome adventures!
The Jasper The Mule children’s book series follows a young mule named Jasper, who finds himself flung into some unintended mischief, mystery, hijinks or adventure with his best friend, Moxie the dog. Though he’s often misunderstood, Jasper is a good mule. He wants to please his trainer – he wants to have fun!
Series author, Meredith Hodges, wrote the books to capture the hearts and minds of children, and to helps kids develop a love for reading. And with the help of Tennessee mule artist Bonnie Shield’s illustrations, each book is sure to be a page-turner.
The Jasper The Mule series is filled with positive messages and role models. Jasper’s adventures are lighthearted and fun to read for kids of any age. Children with a grade-school reading level will have no problem following along with these stories that teach positive morals and values, build character, contain no profanity, vulgarity or violence, and leave them feeling uplifted and inspired.
Enjoy exploring this website. You’ll learn more about Jasper, his friends, and all of their delightful adventures.